Valley Chevrolet of Hastings

What to Do When You're Locked Out of Your Car

Red Chevy Trax
There are few things worse than being locked out of your car. Unlike a tire that blows out unexpectedly, being locked out is a self-inflicted condition, which makes it unbearable. Depending on where you are, the situation may be risky, as well. If you’re wondering, “can OnStar® unlock my car?” fret not, because the answer is a resounding yes.

Can OnStar® Unlock My Car?

Luckily, owners or lessees whose vehicles have the right equipment can rely on OnStar for help when they’ve locked themselves out. All they have to do is call 1-888-466-7827 and ask an advisor to unlock their car’s doors.

Is It Possible to Use the My Chevy App to Unlock My Car?

My Chevy compatibility comes with the majority of the new Chevrolet models in our showroom. If your vehicle is compatible and you have a smartphone, you can use the My Chevy app to unlock your car in mere seconds.

Should I Call the Police?

Under certain circumstances, you may have to call the police to help you get into your automobile.
If you don’t have OnStar or access to the My Chevy app and a passenger or pet is trapped in your locked vehicle, calling 911 is a good idea. The police or fire department will arrive on the scene much faster than roadside assistance or a tow truck, so if the safety of your traveling companion or furry family member is on the line, don’t hesitate to call emergency services.

Does My Insurance Have Roadside Assistance?

Whether you drive a new Chevy model or one of our pre-owned Chevy vehicles, you may have roadside assistance through your insurance provider. If not, you can normally get the coverage affordably through an organization like AAA. Calling roadside assistance or a tow truck is the more advisable route if a pet or person isn’t locked inside your vehicle.
These providers employ talented professionals who can unlock your car. If they can’t unlock your vehicle due to a faulty lock or something else, they’ll tow your automobile to the nearest Chevrolet dealership.

Visit Valley Chevrolet of Hastings to Learn More

Keeping your OnStar system up to date is necessary to ensure it can unlock your vehicle when necessary. Contact the team at Valley Chevrolet of Hastings to learn more about having OnStar installed on your vehicle.