Valley Chevrolet of Hastings

Feb 15, 2022

Winter is here, which means drivers have to be extra aware of the road conditions ahead. Snow and ice can wreak havoc for those not prepared, but they can pose much less of a risk if you take the necessary precautions.

The new Chevy Blazer may have the performance to combat icy roads, but there is always more that can be done to prepare for the worst.

Get Your Battery Checked 

Your Chevy Blazer certainly won’t get far with a dead battery. The extreme cold of winter can drain your battery, so make sure to test (or replace) it before the weather gets too bad.

Service Your Brakes 

While your vehicle’s brakes may have a tenuous relationship with ice, they should still be inspected on your next service visit. A fresh set of brake pads gives you better control over your vehicle’s stopping power, giving you an edge on snowy roads. 

Flush and Replace Fluids 

When your engine gets cold, so does every fluid within it. Make sure to top off your vehicle’s antifreeze supply and also replace any potentially freezable wiper or brake fluid. Frozen fluids can cause costly damage to your engine.

Consider Snow Tires 

By far the best defense against icy roads, snow tires give drivers better control on hazardous roads. If you’re still nervous after taking the above precautions, a set of snow tires could provide you with the added assurance of traction.

Is your Chevy Blazer ready for winter? Don’t let the elements ruin your day. Ensure you get to your destination safely by following the tips mentioned above. Schedule service today at Valley Chevrolet of Hastings – we’ll make sure your car receives the expert care it deserves!